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Iute Macedonia a golden partner on the annual E-commerce awards


Championing E-commerce excellence and leading the change – One click at a time

As a beacon of support for e-businesses and corporate social responsibility, Iute Macedonia proudly took center stage as a golden partner of this year’s prestigious E-Commerce Awards, which brought together all like-minded people, company representatives and progressive thinkers, who also just as Iute believe that this is definitely the year of e-commerce.

With this partnership, we demonstrated our unwavering commitment to innovation and community, as we strongly believe that in our role of pioneers in digital processes, it is our responsibility to continue pushing the boundaries of e-commerce.

As a golden partner, we stand at the forefront of innovation, while our dedication to corporate social responsibility fuels our drive to make a positive impact, not just in the e-commerce landscape, but in the lives of all people.

On the other hand, after the event, an even greater obligation remains to work even harder, not only on the development of e-businesses and processes, but also on education, bringing them as close as possible to all our citizens. With a network of more than 100 e-stores, Iute is already becoming the first choice of buyers, in terms of trust, loyalty, security and a model that allows budget planning as it suits them. “As a golden partner and corporate social responsible company, we stand firmly by the members and commitments of the association and will continue to contribute to the development of businesses and e-commerce in our country. In our role of pioneers in digital processes on the market, we had the honor to recognize and award some of the best in this segment, but also bear the responsibility to work even more intensively on these processes”, said Dane Todorovski, Commercial Director of Iute, also presenting one of the awards on stage.

This event represented an excellent opportunity to serve as a stimulus for those who have just started or still in the thinking process of upgrading their business through e-commerce.

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